While in College, Aaliyah McCrary founded The Vanity Affair, LLC. Since 2016 The Vanity Affair, LLC has transformed from simply an online virgin hair extension retailer to an international lifestyle brand. At Vanity Affair, the mission is to provide women with the entire glamour experience from mental to appearance. The Vanity is symbolic of woman beauty as every woman's place of preparation for a day or night full of glam. Not only does Vanity Affair provide our clients with a lifelong, quality, and trustworthy hair journey we provide them with a platform to grow as an entrepreneur. Through every sale we build an experience for our customers that provides a fun, youthful, glam filled twist to what would have been a generic purchase from any other. At The Vanity we encourage empowerment by offering mentorship programs which organize panels for young girls/middle-aged women to be educated on the issues of our community, entrepreneurship, education, etc. It is our pleasure to provide you with top of the line products and services while also sparking your inner doll and enhancing your outer beauty.